Organisation: Clear Desk, Clear Mind

organised wooden desk including a coffee, a notepad, a pen, and a macbook
It's a monday morning. Your phone is ringing, your inbox is flooded and you're still a coffee shy of being nice to your colleagues. Time is short and there's business at stake. The deals aren't gonna close themselves.
It's time to focus.
Nothing clouds your mind like a clutter on your desk. Documents spread out every which way but loose, notes you made to yourself which you can't actually read, and where the hell's a pen when you need one!
It's a stress you just don't need. Not only will it disrupt your creative thought process, it will bring down your positivity and effect your overall work performance. Maybe it's that single unreturned phone call which lost you the years biggest sale. Maybe you just couldn't find the resume of your next great hire that never was. Maybe it's just that the sprawled out mess in front of you is making this day an uphill battle when it could have been a ride on cruise control.
So what to do? Compartmentalize. Break it down. Have a drawer for stationary, a drawer for documents and a drawer for valuables. Keep your technological devices not only separate, but charged. Better yet, keep a spare charger. You know those smartphone batteries. Follow Harvey Specter's example and play some music. Nothing cools your thoughts like a little daylight jazz on a weekday.
Move at your own pace. When you think calm, you think clear. When you think clear, the deadlines are met with ease.
You are in control. Don't forget that. You're in control of your day, of your month, of your entire career.
Start with your desk.








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